Blood In, Buyout:
A Property & Economic Approach to Street Gangs
The modern American street gang is a capitalist social institutions creating traditional market-based property systems that operate in alternative markets. In the market, actors are paid to induce desired behavior. This article suggests that, therefore, local governments should compensate gang members for nonparticipation in otherwise legal (but undesirable) gang activity.
2015 Wisconsin L. Rev. 1049 (2015)
From Corpo Economicus to Corpo Sapiens
This article undoes the dominant image of the corporation. The mythological “corpo economicus” is an institution that exists to facilitate the pursuit of a reasonably simple objective—to maximize profits. The law reifies and perpetuates this fiction by creating strictures that facilitate its perceived advantages and mitigate its perceived dangers. The reality of “corpo sapiens” is driven by the same range of motivations that drive humans, from malice to altruism and morality.
55 U. Louisville L. Rev. 163 (2017)
The White Androcentric Disposition of Capitalist Property
Racial capitalism shows that capitalist systems function inextricably from race. We argue that, as property is the lingua franca of capitalism, racialized, gendered property is the institution that undergirds racial capitalism. Even if we could eliminate the racial and gender bias of the capitalist system, the very disposition of the institution of property itself is so inherently racialized and gendered that the property-based capitalism is also raced and gendered.
2 J. of Law & Political Economy (2022)

Property, & Personhood
This article’s institutional economic analysis suggests that the corporation is an important technology with which individuals develop “identity property.” This hypothesis can explain corporate behavior (e.g. malfeasance, altruism, and deontology) that is profit-indifferent. Understanding the dialogical and dialectical mutually constitutive relationship between the corporation and its constituents is necessary to effectively regulate corporations.
97 Denver L. Rev. 557 (2020)

Regionalism, Identity, & the Europe Union: Embracing Democracy or Co-Opting Dissident Voices
Tipping Points in International Law (2021)
Creating a Babel Fish for Rights & Religion:
Defining ‘Rights’ Through Sacred Texts
26 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 309 (2016)
‘Nobody Gives a Damn About the Gypsies’: The Limits of Westphalian Models for Change
9 Oregon Rev. Int’l L. 389 (2007)

Love as Justice
26 Langston Hughes Review 49 (2020) (co-authored with R. Yuille and J. Yuille)
Dignity Takings in Gangland's Suburban Frontier
92 Chicago-Kent L. Rev. 793 (2018)
A Black Haven: African-Americans and the Myth of a Colorblind France
4 Bologna Ctr. J. Int’l Aff. 1 (2001)

Property without Autonomy
LPE Blog (2020)
Commentary: Phillips Neighborhood Housing Trust v. Brown
Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Property Opinions (2021)

Works in Progress
Property is a White Man.
If Property were a Black Woman.
Property & Money.
Toward a Black Feminist Economic Methodology.
Dialogic Methods for Law.
Identity Property and the Limits of the Sharing Economy.
What Law & Economics Ignored.
An Economic Approach to the Pedagogy of Corporate Identity.
Gang Injunctions as a Regulatory Takings Problem.
Token Economies as Street Gang Intervention.
The Corporation as a White Man
Property and Disenfranchisement